
Thursday, September 20, 2012

Young Love

It's days like today that reassure me even more of the reason I married Travis Balchin. Whenever I have a no good, rotten day that doesn't go my way or things out of my control go get crazy - he is there. All I have to say is, "its been a bad day", or "I don't feel good" and he hugs me, kisses me and says I'm sorry honey, I'll fix dinner- or ill give Maci a bath you go lay down. What guy does that? My husband :)

I feel I have done nothing to deserve him, and I thank god continuously for the day I met Travis. My love for him grows daily, and through the good and the bad-he is my rock, my partner, my confidant. He makes me laugh, he loves to dance, he reads me like a book, and calls me out when needed. I couldn't have dreamed up a better guy to be by my side forever. (Not to mention he cooks and cleans!)


On top of ALL of that, he is the best father to our daughter.
They are best friends, and she is definitely a daddy's girl.
He has always done anything for her without hesitation-
diapers, feedings, dress up, playing with dolls, doing
 her hair, picking out her clothes, playing out side for as
long as she wants, and laying with her everynight until
she falls asleep.

He is my everything and it brings tears to my eyes how much I love this man. I feel like the luckiest girl in the world.:)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Dance Class and Other Adventures

There's a First Time for Everything.......

This past month has been a whirl wind of fun first times for our little princess. Since Maci has been about 10 months old (when she could first stand up), she had always been able to keep a good beat, shake her caboose, and sway to the music. Well now that she is a bit older I thought it would be fun to sign her up for dance class and try (keyword here is TRY) to follow instructions.
After the first 10 minutes of class, which consisted of crying, saying NO loudly, and holding on for dear life to her daddy's shirt- she started to warm up! After hopping around and actually staying in line with her fellow classmates (all are 3 years old and up) they announced that it was now time for the tap portion of the class. Well being the awesome, attentive mom that I am, I had not bought her tap shoes because I didn't know it was a mixed class. So that was that, and now we will return next week, a little wiser, better prepared, and will leave distracting daddy at home.

First Day of K-2

Now that summer is over, of course that means back to school time! Even though Maci goes to a church daycare, they focus on shapes, colors, bible verses, and using everyday as a learning experience. So each week, they get a new one of each to learn about and focus on. Maci comes home talking about her teachers ("i love miss Allie") and her new and old friends (Carter and Corbin--both boys :/) and what they did that day. I love listening to her tell me about how they played outside, sangs songs or colored pictures. Watching her learn and grow is so awesome and a little sad- i want her to stay a baby as long a possible.

First Tailgate/Football Game

Maci loves hanging with her new buddy Brady, and it works out that we also love hanging with his mommy and daddy :). We took Maci to her first ever football game, and boy did she do great! I thought we were bound for a meltdown, or tantrum but she really did better than I could have hoped for. The only problem was--fireworks. She has been talking about them ever since she saw them a couple weeks ago while leaving the Drive game. Its understandable, a lot of kids don't like loud noises, but every time she hears them she bursts out in tears. Bless her heart, hopefully she will learn to love them as she gets older.

Riding the Train at Heritage Park

 As much as Maci loves watching her show, Chuggington, and she REALLY loved getting to ride the train at the park with her BFF Amelia. They sat side by side taking in the view and occasionally shouting CHOO CHOO or I like this etc. As an added bonus, they have suckers waiting for every kid at the end of each ride. Who wouldn't love that??
Seeing Maci try all of these new things and adapt and learn really makes me see how big she is getting right before my eyes. Every day she repeats something we didn't know she knew, says something funny, or surprises us with her faces. The saying, "There's a first time for everything" really is the case when you are two years old. I just feel so blessed to be able to hold her hand and teach her about the world I know. Everyday with Maci is a gift and I am trying to cherish every "first" with her that I can.